Construction Cousins
Yellow Cousin
Green Cousin

Parent Resources

How Media Use Affects Your Child:

Advice for when your child is not reading yet:

Six tips to raise an optimist

10 reasons why your child is not eating at meals (and what to do)

I always think of Gary Chapman’s “Love Languages” as having to do with marriage, but this article talked about applying the different love languages with your kids. Here are some clues to what love language may be your child’s favorite and how to use that to help show your love. ❤️

Physical touch

Kids who love hugs, high fives, being carried and cuddled.
You can help them feel loved by holding hands, playing active games and snuggling.

Words of affirmation

Kids who love to hear how special they are and that they’re doing a good job.
You can give them compliments, use warm and gentle words and say “I love you” often.

Quality time

Kids who love to do things with you, ask you watch them play or sit with them.
You can give them focused attention, plenty of 1 on 1 time and go to events together.


Kids who really love getting a special present or surprise.
You can give them small gifts from nature, make their favorite foods and leave gifts for them to find when you’re away.

Acts of service

Kids who love it when someone does something for them or helps them with homework.
You can let them know you’ll help them do a project, surprise them by doing a chore or making them a snack.

When we’re more aware of what our kids unique needs are not only can we meet those needs more easily, but we’ll also understand our kids behaviors better.